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Ed.CET for B.Ed Admissions 2014 Andhra University Visakhapatnam |
Education Common Entrance Test (Ed.CET.) 2014 for B.Ed. Admissions
Andhra University
A Common Entrance Test, designated as Education Common Entrance Test-2014 (Ed.CET-2014) will be conducted by the CONVENER, Ed.CET-2014, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on behalf of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for admission into B.Ed. Regular Course in the Colleges of Education in Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2014-2015
- B.Ed. Regular Course in the Colleges of Education in Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2014-2015 namely viz. Government, Universities, Aided and Private.
- B.Ed. Special Education (VI) Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
- B.Ed. Special Education (MR) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam.
Eligibility to appear for Ed.CET-2014
Candidates satisfying the follow ing requirements shall be eligible to appear for Ed.CET-2014.- The Candidates should be Indian Nationals.
- The Candidates should satisfy Local/Non-Local status requirements as laid dow n in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission) Order 1974 as subsequently amended.
Educational Qualifications :
- Candidates should have passed/appearing for final year examinations of B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Sc. (Home Science) / B.Com. / B.C.A. / B.B.M. at the time of submitting the Application for Ed.CET-2014. Candidates should be required to produce marks memo and pass certificate at the time of admission.
- Candidates should have secured a minimum of 50% marks either in the Bachelors Degree i.e. B.A. / B.Sc. / B.Sc. (Home Science) / B.Com. / B.C.A. / B.B.M and or in the Masters Degree in relevant subject or 5years integrated course in the relevant subject of methodology or any other qualification equivalent thereto. How ever the candidates belonging to all other reserved categories i.e. S.C., S.T., B.C. (A/B/C/D/E), and Physically handicapped should have secured a minimum of 40% marks in the qualifying examination.
- Age Limit :
The candidates should have completed the age of 19 years on 1st July of the year in w hich notification is issued. There shall be no maximum age limit.
Scheme of Examination for Ed.CET-2014
The common entrance test w ill be of objective type (multiple choice) examination. Candidate has to answ er 150 questions in two hours time.Part - A | General English | 25 questions for 25 marks |
Part - B | 1) General Know ledge | 15 questions for 15 marks |
2) Teaching Aptitude | 10 questions for 10 marks | |
Part - C | Methodology : Candidate has to choose one of the follow ing subjects. It consists of 100 questions for 100 marks. | |
1) Mathematics | 100 questions for 100 marks | |
2) Physical Sciences | 100 questions for 100 marks | |
(i) Physics | 50 questions for 50 marks | |
(ii) Chemistry | 50 questions for 50 marks | |
3) Biological Sciences | 100 questions for 100 marks | |
(i) Botany | 50 questions for 50 marks | |
(ii) Zoology | 50 questions for 50 marks | |
4) Social Studies | 100 questions for 100 marks | |
(i) Geography | 35 questions for 35 marks | |
(ii) History | 30 questions for 30 marks | |
(iii) Civics | 15 questions for 15 marks | |
(iv) Economics | 20 questions for 20 marks | |
5) English | 100 questions for 100 marks |
Eligibility Criteria for the choice of Subject Under Part - C
(G.O.Ms.No. 92, Education (SE-Trg-I) Department, dated 16-11-2006 and the amendments thereafter).Methodology | Eligibility |
1 - Mathematics | Candidate w ith B.A. / B.Sc. w ith Mathematics as one of the group subjects or B.C.A. candidates with Mathematics at intermediate level as a group subject. |
2 - Physical Sciences | Candidates w ith B.Sc. w ho have studied Physics and Chemistry or Allied Material Sciences under Part-II group subjects or B.C.A. candidates w ith Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) at intermediate level as group subject. |
3 - Biological Sciences | Candidates with B.Sc./B.Sc.(Home Science) w ho have studied Botany and Zoology or Allied Life Sciences under Part-II group subjects or B.C.A. candidates w ith Biological Sciences at intermediate evel as group subject. |
4 - Social Studies | All candidates w ith B.A. / B.Com. / B.B.M. or B.C.A. candidates w ith Social Sciences at intermediate level as group subject. |
5 - English | Candidates w ith B.A Special English or M.A. English |
1. | Start of Submission & Registration of Online Application form | 09-03-2014 |
2. | Last date for Submission of Online Application form without Late Fee | 24-04-2014 |
3. | Last date for Submission of Online Application form with Late Fee of Rs.500/- | 30-04-2014 |
4. | Date of the Examination | 02-06-2014 Monday (11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.) |
- Candidates who wish to apply for Ed.CET-2014 are requested to fill the particulars carefully in ONLINE APPLICATION. The required information should be collected from the relevant documents.
- Candidates are requested to check the filled in particulars before pressing SUBMIT button DURING online application. If candidate wish to change, he/she can change selecting the EDIT button. After verifying and satisfying, submit the ONLINE APPLICATION.
- After submission of ONLINE APPLICATION, if any corrections are to be incorporated, candidate can login to the website with his details and modify the information. If candidate wants to change the information which is not allowed on the website, candidate has to submit their complaint selecting the "Submit Complaint" in Help Desk provided on the Home Page. Data will be changed only if documentary evidence is satisfactory. HENCE, CANDIDATES ARE REQUESTED TO FILL THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM CAREFULLY
Documental Information can be collected as mentioned below.
Hall ticket Number of the Qualifying Degree
- Marks Memo./ Hall ticket number of Degree -
Date of Birth
- Birth Certificate / SSC or Equivalent Certificate.
- Hall ticket No. of SSC or Equivalent examination Certificate - SSC or Equivalent Certificate. -
Local Status (OU/AU/SVU/ Non-local)
- The local candidate certificate issued by MRO or competent authority. -
Income of Parents (income is less than Rs. 2.0 lakhs or more than Rs. 2.0 lakhs)
- The Income certificate issued by competent authority. -
Reservation Category (SC, ST, BC. Etc.)
- The Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority. -
Special Reservation Category (NCC, PH, Sports, CAP etc.)
- The Certificate issued by competent authority
Hall ticket Number of the Qualifying Degree
Other Information required for filling Online Application
- Recent passport size digital color photograph (size < 30 KB) of candidate for uploading.
- Digital Signature of the candidate (size15 KB) of candidate for uploading.
- Examination Center to which candidate wishes to appear Ed.CET-2014 exam.
- Gender (Male / Female.)
- Community (Non-Minority / Minority).
- Mobile Number of the candidate.
- E- Mail of the candidate.
- Place where Studied Graduation - URBAN or RURAL area .
- It is advised to visit your allotted Examination Center well before so that you can take examination tension-free.
- You will not be ALLOWED to take exam if you are late, we suggest you to reach the exam centre before the exam start time.
Application Registration Fee : Rs.150/-
- - For more information click here.
Source : apedcet.org