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Andhra University Ed.CET. for B.Ed. Admissions 2014

Ed.CET for B.Ed Admissions 2014
Andhra University

Education Common Entrance Test (Ed.CET.) 2014 for B.Ed. Admissions
Andhra University

A Common Entrance Test, designated as Education Common Entrance Test-2014 (Ed.CET-2014) will be conducted by the CONVENER, Ed.CET-2014, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on behalf of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education for admission into B.Ed. Regular Course in the Colleges of Education in Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2014-2015

Eligibility to appear for Ed.CET-2014

Candidates satisfying the follow ing requirements shall be eligible to appear for Ed.CET-2014.

Scheme of Examination for Ed.CET-2014

The common entrance test w ill be of objective type (multiple choice) examination. Candidate has to answ er 150 questions in two hours time.
Part - A General English 25 questions for 25 marks
Part - B 1) General Know ledge 15 questions for 15 marks
2) Teaching Aptitude 10 questions for 10 marks
Part - C Methodology : Candidate has to choose one of the follow ing subjects. It consists of 100 questions for 100 marks.
  1) Mathematics 100 questions for 100 marks
2) Physical Sciences 100 questions for 100 marks
    (i) Physics 50 questions for 50 marks
    (ii) Chemistry 50 questions for 50 marks
3) Biological Sciences 100 questions for 100 marks
    (i) Botany 50 questions for 50 marks
    (ii) Zoology 50 questions for 50 marks
4) Social Studies 100 questions for 100 marks
    (i) Geography 35 questions for 35 marks
    (ii) History 30 questions for 30 marks
    (iii) Civics 15 questions for 15 marks
    (iv) Economics 20 questions for 20 marks
5) English 100 questions for 100 marks

Eligibility Criteria for the choice of Subject Under Part - C

(G.O.Ms.No. 92, Education (SE-Trg-I) Department, dated 16-11-2006 and the amendments thereafter).
Methodology Eligibility
1 - Mathematics Candidate w ith B.A. / B.Sc. w ith Mathematics as one of the group subjects or B.C.A. candidates with Mathematics at intermediate level as a group subject.
2 - Physical Sciences Candidates w ith B.Sc. w ho have studied Physics and Chemistry or Allied Material Sciences under Part-II group subjects or B.C.A. candidates w ith Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) at intermediate level as group subject.
3 - Biological Sciences Candidates with B.Sc./B.Sc.(Home Science) w ho have studied Botany and Zoology or Allied Life Sciences under Part-II group subjects or B.C.A. candidates w ith Biological Sciences at intermediate evel as group subject.
4 - Social Studies All candidates w ith B.A. / B.Com. / B.B.M. or B.C.A. candidates w ith Social Sciences at intermediate level as group subject.
5 - English Candidates w ith B.A Special English or M.A. English

1. Start of Submission & Registration of Online Application form 09-03-2014
2. Last date for Submission of Online Application form without Late Fee 24-04-2014
3. Last date for Submission of Online Application form with Late Fee of Rs.500/- 30-04-2014
4. Date of the Examination 02-06-2014
(11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.)

Application Registration Fee : Rs.150/-


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